This is how we usually see our sweet little girl. You just can't slow her down until a cold sneaks up on her. She has been fighting a cold since Saturday and we actually spent all day yesterday in the ER because her pediatrician felt she needed to be seen by her pulmonologist which was on duty at the hospital. So we all sat in the ER for over 4 hours telling the doctors that they are suppose to call her pulm doctor to the ER when we arrived and the ER docs wouldn't do it! We finally convince the ER docs to call her(actually I had called the Pulm. office and spoke with her nurse and told her what was going on and she called the pulm doc for us!) got to see her lung specialist. She looked at Alida's chest x-ray and said "yup looks like a cold her x-ray looks good". Really??? We sat here all this time and spent all that money for that! Aaron and I knew she didn't need to be seen in the ER but Alida's pediatrician insisted we go, next time I will listen to my gut and not take her. I am also looking for another ped doc that is the second time she has done that. She seems to be scared of Alida's lung disease and I don't think she wants to take any chances which is nice. I really do like her peds doc but I need to find one closer to the home and one that can handle her disease a little better.
The good news is she is almost back to her old self and life is good again.