As you can see the dogs even enjoy this game. Sometimes Tate even gets off the sofa and plays! Alida loves it when Cinder plays with us, Cinder usually "pops" the balloon so now Alida yells "POP IT POP IT!!!" Until Cinder does eventually pops the balloon.
Hi Debbie!! Your little Alida is so darling...I love those beautiful rosy cheeks. Thanks for you sweet comments on my blog. Ruby just turned two in December. If I remember correctly, Alida is just a little older than Ruby? Hope you guys are doing well...we miss you on CSU.
Hi Debbie!! Your little Alida is so darling...I love those beautiful rosy cheeks. Thanks for you sweet comments on my blog. Ruby just turned two in December. If I remember correctly, Alida is just a little older than Ruby? Hope you guys are doing well...we miss you on CSU.